Videos: Überblicke

A brief history of the YPG (english) Kurdish Question, Mar 21 – 2017

The People’s Protection Units (YPG) was formed underground in 2011 to defend the people of Rojava against attacks from the Syrian Bashar al-Assad regime and other reactionary forces as the war in Syria started. Today, it is a force of 50,000 people and at the forefront of the revolution in Syria and the region. Watch this short documentary to learn about the struggle, sacrifices and victories of this amazing force.

How the Kurds became a key player in Syria’s war (english)
Vox, Ma 12 – 2018

Since the start of the Syrian civil war, Kurdish people in the North have carved out an autonomous region of their own — Rojava — by fighting the Islamic State. Their militias, which form the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), have emerged as the most effective fighters against ISIS and won them a close partnership with the US.

The ruling Kurdish Party, the PYD, has set up a democratic federation made of local governments. Their constitution claims to accept people of all ethnicities and religions and treat them as equals. One of its central tenets is equality of men and women. In fact, the all-female Women’s Protection Unit (YPJ) militia fights along-side the SDF, and they’re known to be especially good soldiers. But the more territory the Kurds take from ISIS, the more worried Turkey gets. Turkey has been at war with another closely linked Kurdish group, the PKK, for decades. In 2018, Turkey invaded the Syrian Kurdish enclave of Afrin, putting the country in direct conflict with the Kurds of Rojava.

Why Turkey is invading Syria (english)
Vox, Oct 31 – 2019

On Oct. 9, 2019, Turkey launched an attack in northeastern Syria. Turkey made the move shortly after the US announced it would remove some of its troops from the region. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had his eyes on the region for years. Turkey, he argued, needed a “safe zone” to serve as a buffer against the Syrian War happening just across the border. Yet back home in Turkey, there were other factors at play that accelerated his calls for an invasion that involved Erdo-ğan’s own political survival. The move has recalibrated alliances in the Syrian War and added new uncertainty on the future of the region.

Die Frauenarmee der Kurden

ORF, 16.11.19

Die YPJ und die Revolution in Rojava. Gespräche mit Komandantinnen und YPJ-Kämpferinnen.

Syrien: 9 Jahre Krieg – Eine Chronologie
Arte, 20.12.2019

ARTE Info blickt auf neun Jahre Syrien-Konflikt zurück, der über 500.000 Menschenleben gefordert und die Hälfte der Bevölkerung aus ihrem Zuhause vertrieben hat. Eine Chronologie in neun Kapiteln.

EN International campaign: Boycott Turkey

“Boycotting Turkey is not merely an attempt to economically
disrupt a billion-dollar business empire that profits from massacre, authoritarianism and intimidation. It is also an ethical stance against the exploitation, terrorization and annihilation of the Kurdish people and other communities, targeted by the nationalist state mentality of Turkey. Boycotting Turkey means saying NO to the normalization and white-washing of dictatorship and genocidal politics.”

– Dilar Dirik, Kurdish academic and activist –


1. Turkey is a fascist state

The Turkish State was founded 100 years ago on the back of Armenian, Greek
and Assyrian genocides. Many of today’s Turkish elite made their fortunes from
the property of those who fled, or were massacred. In 2015, peace negotiations between the Turkish State and the PKK collapsed. The state attacked the civilian population with a ferocity not seen since the 1990s. The military attacked towns and villages, installed rolling military curfews during which anyone seen on the street would be shot. Whole neighbourhoods and villages were razed to the ground.

Since a failed coup attempt in July 2016, an ongoing crackdown has seen hundreds of thousands of people arrested and dismissed from work; over 180 media outlets were shut down and hundreds of journalists arrested. No dissenting voices are tolerated. Turkey now has more journalists behind bars than any other country on Earth. Turkish President Erdoğan has rewritten the constitution to give himself absolute power, and has imprisoned a large number of the political opposition.

2. The Turkish economy is highly dependent on tourism

In 2017, Turkey’s GDP amounted to around $851.52 billion USD, but this plum-meted to $713.51 billion in 2018. Unemployment is steadily rising. The economy reportedly contracted by 2.6 per cent in the first quarter of 2019. Still, the number
of foreigners visiting Turkey increased almost 22% from 2017 to 2018.

The Turkish economy is increasingly reliant on tourism. Tourism in Turkey
funds genocide, ethic cleansing and war. There is a direct relationship between
the tourist industry in Turkey, the Erdoğan regime and the arms trade. Money
spent on your holiday may be spent on killing Kurds. According to figures re-
leased by the Turkish Statistical Institute, in 2018 alone, tourism accounted for
an income of $29.5 billion USD and the same year Turkey’s military budget was
raised by 24% to $19 billion USD.

To put it bluntly: the more tourists enjoy Turkey’s beaches, the more Kurds will die.

3. Erdoğan’s power base is reliant on a stable economy

In May 2018, Forbes reported that “since Erdogan became President in August of 2014, the Lira has lost a stunning 56% of its value”, describing the Lira as Erdo-ğan’s ‘Achille’s heel’. Erdogan’s power and stability is based, among other things, on the distribution of a lot of money to his supporters and followers. When the economy goes down, support for Erdoğan also falls. As Kurdish activist Ercan Ayboğa points out, “When he is not able to give money to his followers any more, the whole system can break.”

4. Boycott campaigns have a history of success

The boycott of South African goods, and the cultural and academic boycott campaign that was active from the 1960s to the 1990s is widely acknowledged to have played a significant part in ending the apartheid system in that country.


“The boycott is important because the Turkish state finances
it’s war and repression of the Kurds in Bakur [Turkey] and Syria
with a lot of money. It’s very important that the Turkish State has less money for the repression of society and the Kurds, and for its wars.
We have to attack it wherever we can, and to make the
economy of Turkey as weak as possible.”

– Kurdish activist Ercan Ayboga –







Nike, stop sponsoring turkish football !

Flyer: Boycott Nike in Colour and Black/White

Enough Support from FC Barcelona to the invasion in Rojava!
The inhabitants of Rojava, who appreciate FC Barcelona and who follow the news of Catalonia accurately, are asking themselves, why the football club is working with companies [like Beko], whose are maintaining the war in Rojava and whose are the murderers of their families and friends.


Boycott Turkey created a database of information on corporate complicity in Turkish state fascism. Please note, this is a work in progress and not a complete list. They listed holding companies, consumer brands, airlines, banks, tourism, turkish arms companies, restaurant chains, international arms companies, oil & gas companies and automobiles.

Boycott Turkey


#1 Kampagnenstart „CDU besetzen? – Unbezahlbar!“

Betreff: Kampagnenstart „CDU besetzen? – Unbezahlbar!“

Am 1. Mai 2020 beginnt die bundesweite Solidaritätskampagne „CDU besetzen? – Unbezahlbar!“. Diese Kampagne setzt sich die Ziele, weiterhin auf den völker-rechtswidrigen Krieg der Türkei in Nord- und Ostsyrien aufmerksam zu machen und die Aktivist*innen der CDU-Besetzung in Chemnitz vom 25.10.2019 zu unterstützen.

Am 25.10.2019 wurde das CDU-Büro von Frank Heinrich (MdB) in Chemnitz
für über vier Stunden besetzt gehalten und durch eine spontane Kundgebung
am Markt unterstützt. Die Aktivist*innen protestierten mit dieser Aktion gegen
den völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg der Türkei in Nordostsyrien, der von der Bundesregierung gebilligt und unterstützt wurde.

Die Kampagne plant, die Besetzung thematisch aufzuarbeiten und die Perspektive der Aktivist*innen in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Außerdem soll die Öffentlichkeit über die im Nachgang der CDU-Besetzung laufenden Verfahren gegen die Inter-nationalist*innen informiert werden. Dazu wurde im Rahmen der Kampagne eine Internetseite mit umfangreichen Informationen zu der Besetzung, der Kampagne und dem Genozid in Kurdistan erstellt.

Ab dem 1. Mai 2020 finden öffentlichkeitswirksame Aktionen sowie eine mediale Kampagne statt, um auf die Prozesse und die Thematik aufmerksam zu machen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:

Mit freundlich Grüßen,

CDU besetzen? – Unbezahlbar!